Reviewer Guidelines

The following guidelines must be adhered to:

1. Understandability

Submissions must be written in English and should be clear and coherent—no gibberish is allowed.

2. Relevance

Content must align with the task topic.

Acceptance Example:

Task: Memorable NPCs

Acceptable Content: Lines featuring characters like Jinx from League of Legends

(even though Jinx is not typically considered an NPC).

Rejection Example:

Task: Web3

Unacceptable Content: Lines featuring characters like Jinx from League of Legends.

3. Optional Questions:

Questions not marked with a red (*) are optional and do not require review.

These optional fields are intended to provide reasoning for the required fields, and it is by design that there is no “Approve/Disapprove” button for them. This is not a bug.

If a submission includes a link, reviewers should open it to verify its relevance.

If the link does not work (e.g., a 404 error), the datapoint should be considered poor-quality and disapproved.

Last updated