
A player participating in the Sahara Legends campaign, tasked with exploring deserts and completing challenges.

An all-time ranking system that ranks users based on the total number of shards they have earned.

The interactive map within the campaign that displays the various challenges and tasks available for completion.

Mystical creatures, like the Fennec Fox mascot, who guide and assist adventurers on their journey through the deserts.

A designated area on the desert map where players can interact with unique challenges, resources, and stories.

The ultimate collectible in the Sahara Legends campaign, created by combining all mascot NFTs.

A Web3 platform that provides credential-based infrastructure for decentralized identity and community engagement.

The process of converting collected mascot shards into NFTs, making them a permanent part of the player’s collection.

A digital reward earned by completing tasks and challenges in the desert map, used to unlock resources, mint NFTs, and progress in the game.

A unique, non-transferable digital asset representing ownership of a mascot or other collectibles earned during the campaign. Soulbound NFTs cannot be sold or transferred from one wallet to another. All NFTs in Sahara Legends are soulbound.

Hidden or advanced features, such as new desert regions or higher-tier challenges, revealed as players progress.

A weekly ranking system that rewards top adventurers with additional Shards and recognition for their achievements.

Bonuses distributed to adventurers based on their leaderboard rankings and participation during a given week.

Last updated