Data Marketplace

Data Marketplace is a place where you can browse all the annotation tasks available to you.

It features a list of tasks categorized into three sections: New tasks, In Progress, and Completed. Moreover, a search bar located in the upper right-hand corner allows you to locate a specific task.

Upon accepting a task, you will be randomly assigned one of two roles: annotator or reviewer.

Annotating involves categorizing content based on the task creator's criteria, while reviewing involves checking an annotator’s work for accuracy.

Your compensation will be determined by the points detailed in the task description, multiplied by the number of data points you successfully complete.

At the end of the task, annotators and reviewers who meet the minimum data points requirement and maintain overall accuracy will earn an additional bonus. This bonus is calculated as a percentage of their earned Sahara Points.

Your ability to take on new tasks is dependent on passing the pre-task exam. Once you successfully complete it you can start annotating or reviewing. This ensures that you are always matched with tasks that match your current capabilities.


Can I choose my role in a task?

No, it is assigned to you randomly by the algorithm.

Last updated