Quick Start Guide

  1. Open your browser and go to https://app.saharalabs.ai.

  2. Connect your digital wallet, social media account, or use your email to create a profile.

  3. Complete your profile, and select your interests.

  4. Navigate using the menu on your left to visit the Data Marketplace.

  5. Find tasks and earn Sahara Points in the Data Marketplace.

  6. Compete with other Sahara AI participants and earn bonus Sahara Points.


How can I leave feedback?

You'll find a feedback icon accompanied by a form in the top right corner of your screen.

Can Sahara Points be used outside of the Network?

No, Sahara Points are intended for use solely within the network.

Why was I suspended/banned from the platform?

You may be suspended from a task due to poor performance, and from the platform for consistently low accuracy or malicious behavior. Most suspensions are temporary.

Last updated