Closed Achievements
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The Closed Page displays achievements from past events that have already ended. You can review these completed achievements to track your participation and progress in previous activities.
You can track your progress on the Achievements Page under the "In Progress" tab. It displays all active achievements, their requirements, and your current progress.
Missing a day will not reset your progress. However, you will not be able to claim the full 31 EXP for these achievements if you miss any days.
The Oracle of Knowledge requires you to earn 100 Sahara Points in a specific knowledge category (e.g., Prompt Collection, Model Optimization, or Persona Emulation). You can claim rewards for partial progress within one knowledge category but at least one knowledge category must be fully completed to mint the NFT.
In Progress Achievements: These are active achievements you are currently working on.
Closed Achievements: These are from past events that have ended. You can review these to track your participation and progress but cannot claim additional rewards.
If you don’t claim your rewards before the deadline, you will lose the opportunity to claim the corresponding EXP. Be sure to claim them in time!